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2750 Grant Ave, Ogden, UT

Brith Sholem

The Torah at Brith Sholem Synagogue in Ogden, Utah. (Deniane Kartchner photo)

Congregation Brith Sholem synagogue was built in 1921.  However, Ogden’s first Jewish population began meeting in rented quarters as early as 1890.  At the urging of a visiting Rabbi, during the Holy Days of 1917, the Ogden Jewry purchased the lot on Grant Avenue and erected their synagogue.  A feature is the entrance door flanked by two byzantine columns that support a wide frieze and a projecting semi-circular pediment.  There is a Jewish Star of David and the name “Congregation Brith Sholem” engraved into the stone frieze.


Congregation Birth Sholem is the oldest, continuously active Jewish synagogue in Utah. On August 21, 1921, over 2,000 people of various denominations gathered at 2750 Grant Avenue between Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth Streets in Ogden, Utah, to witness the laying of the cornerstone.

Early History

"May the doors of this synagogue be wide enough for all to enter"


Congregation Birth Sholem celebrated its 100th anniversary. "One Hundred Years of Congregation Brith Sholem: Honoring the Jewish community in Ogden, Utah" shares the history of Congregation Brith Sholem and its stories from a multifaceted Jewish community filled with resilience, celebrations, and unity. It shares a broad historical overview of the synagogue, which include its inception in 1890; the fire of 1989, which gutted most of the synagogue’s interior; the religious education program; and biographical information about the seven in-house rabbis that served the congregation from 1914 to 1931.

This exhibit also presents biographical information on various Congregation Brith Sholem members, who represent the myriad of members from 1890 to 2021. 

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Weber County Heritage Foundation

2580 Jefferson Ave.

Ogden, UT 84401


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