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cemetery tour 2022
We're back! Weber County Heritage Foundation is hosting our immersive cemetery tour where you'll meet spirited residents, returned to life for one night only.

WCHF Members get in FREE! Just come on down and we'll have your name on a list!
TICKETS $15 each
Tickets (member pickup and same-day purchase) will be available for purchase between 4 pm and 6 pm at
Ben Lomond Cemetery
526 E 2850 N
North Ogden, Utah
**Remember everyone MUST check-in BEFORE visiting any “ghosts” to collect wristband(s), brochure and map.**
The tour is self-guided, which means you’re welcome to begin the tour at any time between the hours of 4 pm and 6 pm. The event will end promptly at 7:00pm.
See you on October 8th!
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